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Booking a Zoomcar

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Yes. You must bring the vehicle back to the same place you picked it up before the end of your reservation. If you dropoff the car at a location different from your pickup point, you will be charged INR 2,000, and the full hourly rate and late fees until the vehicle is returned to the correct location.

A high penalty will be applicable for the amount of time you are late. In order to avoid paying this penalty, you can extend the booking from the app, well in advance.

With reference to the km package which you select you are eligible to drive accordingly.For example, if you opt for 10 km/hr package then 5 hours reservation would come with 50 km in driving at no additional charge, while a 3 day reservation would come with 720 km in driving at no additional charges. There is a per-km charge for each km beyond that point. Please see Zoomcar tariffs for more details.

"Location without fleet (KLE booking): Filling checklists is easy! Now you can fill your End checklist via the Zoomcar app. Just log in to the App, select your live booking from the My bookings page and start. 1. Keep the keys inside the dashboard. 2. Edit your checklist details if there are any changes with Images. 3. Lock the vehicle. 4. End of your trip by uploading 4 side images of the vehicle. It is advised to keep the images for your future reference and need proper network coverage filling the checklist." Please collect all your belonging before locking the vehicle.

Once the booking is confirmed, vehicle details with the location would be shared 3-4 hours prior to booking start time. We will also share an exact car location before 30 minutes of your booking start time along with the Navigation Link. Please use this Link or your application to navigate to your pickup location.

"To avoid the KM confusion, we request you to capture the odometer reading images to track your free KMs and for any future reference and check your booking details on your APP to know the total free KM on the booking. Excess KM would be charged as per the selected vehicle. Ex: Extra KMs x Per km charge of the vehicle"

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